Webelos Week – An Outdoor Adventure for Cubs

Calling all rising 4th and 5th graders – Resica Falls is excited to once again offer our Webelos Week for Summer 2025! An exciting week of adventure and activities designed for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts, those participating will experience a wide range of exciting events, from Sunday’s arrival to Saturday’s departure. The time in between will be filled with campfires, swimming, boating, and exploring the outdoors. Other highlights will include a day hike for all and an exclusive overnight trip for Arrow of Light Scouts.

Meals will be served in the Dining Hall and camping will be done in one of our campsites, complete with canvas tent, platform, and cot. Sign-ups are on for individual Cub Scouts. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Two staff members will serve as Den Leaders for the program and provide leadership to the program and in the campsite. Full details for the entire week can be found in the Webelos Week Program Guide, available in February!

Session Dates Registration
1 July 27 - August 2 Register Now
Scout shooting BB Gun 3 Story pool slide