Nearly three years ago, the planning began for a project to honor longtime Resica Falls Camp Director Christian “Chris” Brenner. Fundraising efforts and construction plans are now in their final stages. Chris became Camp Director at Resica Falls in 2006 after previously serving as Camp Director at Treasure Island. His 15-year tenure as Camp Director marked the beginning of a reversal of declining trends in camp and council operations. Camper attendance doubled, new programs were innovated, and the camping budget of the council returned to the black. Simultaneously, new facilities were built and major upgrades occurred to existing parts of camp. Beyond organizing, leading, or wielding a chainsaw, Chris’s greatest achievement has been the establishment of a “Culture of Excellence” regarding camp operations.
An Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver Award recipient, and Vigil Honor member of Unami Lodge, One, Chris served as Scoutmaster of Troop 226 in Philadelphia for 15 years and has sat on numerous district and council committees and task forces. A retired elementary school teacher of 35 years, Chris continues to serve as a wise and valued mentor to the entire camp leadership team as the Camp Director Emeritus.
Brenner Lodge will be a 2,660 sq. ft. cabin built near Trooper Lodge and the STEM Center. During the summer, it will function as the Civics program area and will serve as a year-round camper cabin available for weekend rental with a Great Room, full kitchen, multiple bathrooms, and bedrooms to accommodate 36 people. The building will have an emphasis on energy efficiency and will serve as another catalyst for volunteer involvement in camp.
With a goal of $200,000, Brenner Lodge is set to be a cabin unrivaled in the history of any of our camps. Help us make this important camp improvement a reality by contributing to the fundraising campaign and encourage others to do the same!